"I found Maria's contact information on the Munay Ki website list of people offering the rites, at a time in my life when I was in great transition. I had just decided to leave my safe job in scientific research at a university, and chose instead to take the perilous windy road of the spiritual journey and hopefully arrive at a life that was truly fulfilling and calling me to become a healer myself. Maria helped me immensely with Despacho ceremonies where she taught me the simple sincere way to speak to the spirits from ones heart and in gratitude to the natural forces that give us shelter life and food. This was shamanism without the pomp and new-age showmanship, just simply and actually connecting to the earth and spirits in the gentle direct way of communion through honest dialogue from ones heart. We called the earth mother and thanked her for carrying us and even now letting us rest on her body, and the sun for giving us light and causing the plants to grow to feed us, and we thanked the sky father for giving us each and every breath. It was Real and honest and from the heart and it was Beautiful and Powerful, it was true Medicine. The Munay Ki rites she bestowed upon me there are the beginning the current leg of my spiritual quest have carried me and supported me through my entire journey, deepening with me as I grew and my own understanding of and connection to the Earth and her spirituality deepened. These are the old ways, the ancient ways that are grounded in the reality of the simple humans giving thanks and praying for a good harvest and hunting and for the well-being of their family and tribe. This Medicine is simple and sincere and it is powerful, and I have carried it with me through all of my Journey and indeed have now become a healer myself. So I am deeply grateful to Maria and she is an amazing teacher and Medicine carrier. If you get the chance to work with her I highly recommend it, she will show you how to tap into the pure original ways of the Earth and the people of the Earth we all come from and still are, underneath all our history and culture. Thank you Maria, may you continue to carry the Medicine so very beautifully and kindly, Aho.
California, USA
Liebe Maria Clara, es ist eine grosse Ehre und Freude! Vielen Dank fur ein wunderbares Wochenende wo die Seele die Natur traf, meine weibliche Starke und Zartlichkeit erwachend. Vielen Dank fur ein unvergessliches Erlebniss, fur Deine intuitive, erleuchtende und seelreiche Fuhrung, und Deine weise Unterstützung auf meinem Weg der persönlichen und emotionaler Entwicklung. Und ich weiss, das ist nur der Anfang.
E, R
Women´s Workshop, Romania
Working with Maria Clara, both in private sessions and workshops, was for me a profound, transformative experience. Her deep care and connection with the nature and intuition created a space where I could connect and embody my feminine power. She guided me with her deep wisdom to a place where I could see the journey of my soul into greatness. She helped me release old fears, old believes and cultural conditionings and I become more and more of myself. She gave me tools to use to stay centered and in my power in my daily life. I am deeply honored and grateful for having the opportunity to meet, know and work with her. Thank you, Maria Clara!
I. Beres, Romania
Women´s Workshop, Romania
"Intalnirea mea cu Maria Clara s-a produs in 2016 prin intermediul lui Alberto Villoldo care ma indruma catre un membru din staful lui pentru a ma ajuta in problema pe care o aveam la acea vreme. Din pacate programul lui nu-i permitea sa ma ajute, asa ca am ales persoana cu care am rezonat cel mai bine. Maria Clara a jucat un rol foarte important in viata mea la acel moment, (aici vorbesc de lucruri legate de viata si de moarte) cu ajutorul ei l-am depasit cu mai multa usurinta, iar perioada de doliu a fost mult mai usoara si mai bine inteleasa. In 2017 ne-am intalnit in cadrul evenimentului Dr. Joe Dispenza la Bucuresti, unde am avut prilejul sa beneficiez de cunoasterea ei. Cea mai mare realizare a acestei intalniri a fost ca am reusit sa vad tiparul de RESPINGERE sau rana cum mai este denumita. Am intrat in acea minte subconstienta si am reusit sa vad in cate de multe situatii este activat acest TIPAR al RESPINGERII. Acum imi este foarte usor sa-l modific si de cate ori il intalnesc il observ si il modific cu adevarul meu de acum. Multumesc Maria Clara."
Roxana C.
Bucharest, Romania
Every now and then, the journey through life may place you in Dark Places. Places where you are left feeling lost, confused, afraid, out of control, unable to see The Light, for all the darkness around you... I was in that dark place not so long ago.
I had lost Me... I had become detached, began to listen to the negative talk,became ill. I walked in darkness. Then i was drawn to A Light!!
Maria Clara, you were that flickering flame that directed me home.
Words are not enough to express just how much your guidance helped me. You helped me regain my direction, my focus, my truth, Myself.
Thank you from the depths of my heart.
Lina Croce
Melbourne, Australia
"Dear Maria Clara,
I asked your help to find out if I am on the right way in my life, because I felt stuck with something. You gave me a lot of meaning ful homework and a lot to think about. The biggest impact for me was your very warm, kind and loving presence, your wise words and the encouragement you gave me in doing what I need to do and to do it my own way. Somehow you said everything that I really needed to hear and it was a big help and support for me. I never experienced support like this from my mother so it was healing a childhood piece. Like a loving mother saying to her little daughter “go on! you can do it, you can trust your wings. Jump over the edge and you will be OK. That message really came through for me."
Adrienne, Netherlands
"My experience with Maria Clara was very profound. My contact with her was not only during the session, but she was guiding me during my preparation for shamanic training as well. Having known her for a while, I can say I really appreciate her pieces of advice, seeing the amazing value of her words.In everything what she does (not only says) I see amazing dedication for healing and helping others in growth.I am very greatful that I met her and it's an honour to work with her."
P.S., United Kingdom
" I have worked with Maria Clara over the last few months now and I couldn't be happier to write this testimonial and recommend her spiritual guidance to others. I came to Maria Clara seeking deeper spiritual healing and guidance through some personal struggles post a life changing trip to Peru. I have had a number of healing sessions and also had the opportunity to undertake a beautiful Despacho ceremony with Maria Clara, an experience that really resonated with me.
I can truly say that I have been touched by Maria Clara's kindness and compassion and she has now become more of a close friend whom I look forward to sharing my journey with and seek advice from. Maria Clara often writes to me and shares interesting thoughts, books, readings and anything she feels may help through this time.
I have learnt a lot from working with Maria Clara and it has truly been a journey that has challenged me to shift my mindset and energy. I look forward to continuing this spiritual journey over the coming months. Thank you Maria Clara!
SR, Australia
"Maria Clara helped me to shed light on disharmonic patterns in my life. I got stuck; but after the healing sessions I felt I could move on. She is a very intuive, empathic person. Her stories are inspiring and her honesty is uplifting. She is a trustworthy person and knows how to create a save place, so it becomes very easy to trust the healing process. I am very greatful to have worked with her".
Jolande, Netherlands
"Maria Clara created a space for me to re-write my story, to one of more wholeness, balance, and harmony. Since my session with her I have been able to release the grip of a story that had been boxing me in, allowing more space for creative movement forward. I have also re-established a deep and joyful connection to my guides and the lineage that we both work with. Thank you Maria for your insight, intuition, and patience with the soul's journey!"
Chancy B., USA
"Working with Maria Clara was a gift when I really needed it. Her warmth, empathy and ability to create a safe and healing space was quickly evident. She took the time and provided a beautiful space to guide me into a process of self discovery, once there I felt her presence as I walked this path during two sessions in two days. I experienced some profound insights and continued to have a gentle unfolding of insight for weeks after the sessions. Maria Clara is a a warm and kind person and a gifted healer".
Susan H., USA
„I have worked several times with Maria Clara – and I can say that she is a person with a high level of integrity and empathy. She has a loving and joyful, inspiring heart. Maria Clara is always trying to help in the best possible way, and offers space for personal healing. She is demanding at the same time, always tries to show me how I can learn to help myself. I would highly recommend working with Maria Clara as an Energy Medicine Coach.”
Andreas, Germany
"Hace dos o tres meses me encontré con el libro Conecta tu Cerebro del Dr. David Perlmutter y Dr. Alberto Villoldo, me encantó. Después busqué el libro Chaman, Sanador y Sabio de Alberto Villoldo y quedé cautivada. Mandé un email a Healight the Light Body School para pedir información sobre alumnos de Alberto que vivieran en México y ahí me dieron los datos de María Clara Castañeda, así empezó mi viaje mágico, la contacté y aunque ella recién se mudó a Alemania, me atendió vía internet. El espacio sagrado es una ceremonia de sanación que Alberto describe en su libro. A través de Maria Clara entré a mi propio espacio sagrado fue una sensación de paz, armonía, tranquilidad y bienestar que hacía mucho tiempo no experimentaba. Maria Clara me indicó ciertas tareas que van desde la realización de un mandala personal, preguntas y rituales que me hicieron contactar conmigo misma y que me proporcionaron una gran paz y armonía. Es un trabajo interno muy fuerte y sanador, me siento muy bien y agradezco a la vida esta oportunidad que a través de Maria Clara me dió la posibilidad de ver las cosas con otro diáfano cristal."
Rosalinda Martínez R., México
"Maria Clara has mentored me through very technical and complex training to become a shamanic healer. I have a deep respect for the way that she has mentored me, which has improved markedly my own mentoring program here in Australia."
Rod Meyer, Mentor and Shamanic Healer, Perth, Western Australia
"I would like to let everyone know that Maria Clara Castaneda has a very loving and caring heart. She gave me a session via the telephone and the experience was as if I was in front of her. I want to thank Maria Clara for connecting me with my Ancestors. I have been able to heal myself by honoring them. May many blessings follow Maria Clara throughout her work."
Donna Maria, USA
"Maria Clara is my favorite Energy Medicine Coach. I had sessions and ceremonies with her. She opened my horizons to a new world. Her sweetness and personal touch comes together with her professionalism making the most well rounded spiritual therapist.
She is not just a shaman, she has her own style, amazing energy and optimism that can be felt around her. I would recommend Maria Clara to anybody who is in a life intersection, is about to make a change, or just want to be spoiled by a fabulous woman."
Viviana N., HR Consultant, California
"Maria Clara not only takes the time to understand each of her clients needs but also truly finds ways to harness the strength they have to help them. She teaches them the work they need to do for themselves when they will be "practicing" on their own. Excellent practitioner! Highly recommended for effective results."
Mikayla C., Registered Dietitian, Nutritionist, CLEC, LD, In-Store Nutrition Consultant, USA
"Taking every step in my life, with my family and friends, in my carrier and at home it has always been an effort of my common sense, love, energy and passion for life. Maria Clara has given me the greater gift of seeing these treasures at an even larger picture; where past and present help each other to create a happier future, where outside and inside energies become balance to create a brighter light. Maria Clara´s practice uses these and many more approaches to help her clients and friends, for me it has been a great support to regain strength and confidence and to accept and embrace my life with all its gifts."
Iliana Meneses Hernández, Computer Engineer, Fitness Instructor, wife and mother of two, Italy
"All the work I've done with Maria Clara has been hugely transformational. I highly recommend attending one of her full moon fire ceremonies. When I attended a recent fire ceremony with her, I was filled with internal turmoil. After the ceremony, I experienced a major energy shift. Within six weeks, I had a new relationship, I quit an unfulfilling job, and I was starting my own business. The power of this ceremony is phenomenal.
I also asked for a healing with Maria Clara, and this was also incredible. Maria Clara's warm, caring, supportive style made me feel relaxed and ready for the work. She helped me clear a major block that was holding me back from my true lifework. Now, only a few weeks later, I am pursuing my lifework with confidence and joy. Maria Clara is a deep and powerful healer."
Katrina Dreamer; Healer, Dreamworker, Writer, Photographer, and creator of The Success Tutor, California
A life Journey