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Boutique Ceremonies

Ceremonies and Rituals support us to manage our feelings and life circumstances.

Some people feel they are under stress and are looking for more meaning in their lives. The high expectations of our fast, modern lives may cause inner tension and anxiety. I support you through ancient ceremonies, which create a space for reflection and to reconnect with yourself. The result is an experience of peace of mind and a natural connection with your essence and the wisdom of nature.

We are familiar with ceremonies like marriage & birthdays which purpose is to celebrate a new chapter in life. Sometimes we can be too busy organizing the set up of the celebration that we may forget its meaning and purpose. However even though our mind might be occupied planing the special event, our soul and heart knows deep within that something will and has changed.

The language of Ancient Wisdom is connected to Nature. It’s symbolic, animistic, rich in metaphors, and explains reality through ritual and ceremony. Even as a simple language, its ancient teachings has survived for millennia, while modern science and psychology is no more than 500 years old. What used to be considered absolute truth (the authority of science to define what is correct in its credibility and/or intelligence) was not always a universal truth.  It was the exact the opposite. These new scientific discoveries have been a direct result of questioning what really is scientific dogma. Science is young and expanding. While ancient wisdom is universal and deep, their truth is not subject to ownership to a certain school or New Age movement, nor these teachings the property of any religion. Indeed, this wisdom can be found within our hearts and souls. 

Gratitude Ceremony 

Haywacuy is a Gratitude Ceremony (Despacho) an ancient ritual in the Andes of South America. It represents respect and wisdom. In many Andean communities people lives in harmony with nature. Even the children show respect and love for the community, the water, the trees and especially to Pachamama (Mother Earth). Through this ancient ceremony people express their gratitude to Mother Eart for everything that they have recieved from her, its a way of manifesting reciprocity and right relationship.

During the ceremony we create an offering bundle with seeds, candies, herbs, and flowers. Every detail has a symbol that contain a spiritual message and prayers. It is through the dynamics of love, of good thinking and right action that our lives become abundant. A gratitude Despacho support us to find and create harmony.

Full Moon Fire Ceremony

As we observe Nature, we see and learn about cycles, cooperation, beauty, order and harmony. As a living organism, in Nature everything is connected, everything has a time/season for a specific purpose. Likewise we can tuned within our inner human Nature in a symbolic way to cultivate our well being, inner order, awareness of our personal life´s cycles and transitions. During a full moon fire ceremony, we enter a space of stillness and meditation if you like. We create a sacred space of love and protection in which we ask the energy of the fire to cleanse, set free, burn, light up and nurture us. As the language of the Soul is symbolic, through rituals we can manage our feelings, release limiting beliefs, fears, concerns, as much as light up our dreams and open space for a meaningful life.


Dankbarkeitsceremony, Duesseldorf-Germany

Dankbarkeitszeremonie (Despacho) ist zugleich ältestes Ritual in den Anden Südamerikas. Es repräsentiert Respekt und Weisheit. Dabei teilt man mit Mutter Erde (Pachamama) aus Dankbarkeit alles das, was man von ihr bekommt und man bittet, dass das Leben weiter im Gleichgewicht fließt. 

In vielen Gemeinden der Anden leben die Menschen in Harmonie mit der Natur. Schon die Kinder zeigen Achtung und Liebe zu den Menschen, zum Wasser ,zu den Bäumen und vor allem zur Pachamama. 

Die Despachozeremonie hat als Ziel das Wohlbefinden im Hier und Jetzt zu finden. Es gibt mehr als 200 verschiedene Arten des Despachos, welche auch als Nachricht (Mensaje) zu interpretieren sind. Sie steht z.B. für die Verabschiedung oder den Neubeginn eines Lebensabschnittes oder um Gleichgewicht und Harmonie in bestimmte Lebenssituationen zu bringen. 
Je nachdem welche Herausforderungen zu bewältigen sind - wie Gesundheit, Liebe, Arbeit, Spiritualität, Reisen, Entscheidungen, Klarheit zu Fragen, Dankbarkeit für Geburt und Hochzeit oder Veränderungen im Leben - variiert der Despacho. 

Ich stehe Dir gerne in Düsseldorf und Umgebung, als auch nach Absprache in Deiner Stadt fuer individuelle und Gruppen-Despacho zur Verfügung.
Mit viel Liebe
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